RNUG Lotus User Group (www.vlaad.lv)

    WAITING FOR SEM 0xAE0C if you see something like this, it means long RUNNING HTTP Agent.

    Vladislav Tatarincev  27 August 2024 11:39:10
    There is a known KB from HCL https://support.hcltechsw.com/csm?id=kb_article&sysparm_article=KB0037332 which describes known Semaphores.
    One popular semaphore that we see frequently is not described there but I will describe it here, so you dont need to open HCL Case.

    WAITING FOR SEM 0xAE0C   if you see something like this, it means long RUNNING HTTP Agent.
    In CYMON monitoring we have a description of known semaphores. And not only total amount for example AE0C:345  (345 times this semaphore has occurred), but also timeline when.
    It is important to see if this happens during the day, or only during nice.    If climb of this semaphore takes place during nightly dbmt or compact this may help to locate problem root cause.

    In CYMON monitoring 6.x (which is now fully docker based) and can be run on any OS. Get your trial of Monitoring here (
    www.cyone.eu/CYMON ) Monitoring has also free version, where basic Mail server statistics are monitored.

    Domino Log analysis is coming in next versions of CYMON with help of Loki.

    Image:WAITING FOR SEM 0xAE0C   if you see something like this, it means long RUNNING HTTP Agent.
